You Can Still Donate To HomeCorp!

If you missed last weekend's Backyarder fundraiser for HomeCorp, you can still make a donation. Just scan the QR code below.

HomeCorp was founded in 1988 by a dedicated group of community volunteers who saw the need to preserve affordability in Montclair. Since then, HomeCorp has developed nearly 200 units of affordable rental and owned housing in Montclair. They are committed to creating and preserving affordable housing in Montclair. 

Local performers gathered to make music and raise money to support affordable housing in Montclair.

Use the code to make a donation to this great local organization today!


NEW DATE! MOVED TO OCT 8th! PWR Backyarder Set to Benefit HomeCorp.

The show has been moved to Sunday, Oct. 8th, because of the rain expected. 
Same time!

Get ready folks! Mark your calendars and dust off your lawn chairs! It's time for Parents Who Rock's Annual Backyarder Fundraiser. Come on out for a fun afternoon of great music from some of Montclair's best performers. 

The Backyarder is now set for Sunday, October 8th, from noon to 3 pm. The event will take place in the backyard on the corner of Cedar and High Streets, across from Nishuane School, in Montclair.

Multiple combos and performers will be playing a couple of songs a piece. Bring a lawn chair or picnic blanket and some snacks and come hang out and listen to tunes from Montclair's most musical moms and dads. It's a cool way to spend a lovely fall afternoon—great for parents, kids and everyone.


Music of Bruce Springsteen Benefit Set for May 6th

Parents Who Rock is happy to announce a new date for their Bruce Springsteen Tribute show—Saturday, May 6th at B'nai Keshet Synagogue in Montclair. 

The show will feature local artists performing the music of Springsteen, all to raise money for earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria. 

The show starts at 7 pm. Bnai Keshet is located at 99 South Fullerton Ave. in Montclair. 

Tickets are $20. Click on the QR code to make a donation and purchase them. Or use this link:


Due to unforeseen circumstances, Parents Who Rock has had to postpone the music of Bruce Springsteen show, previously scheduled for Saturday, March 11th, at Tierney's. 

We will be rescheduling the show soon. Please check back for updates! 



POSTPONED: Musicians Needed for Springsteen Tribute Fundraiser March 11

Calling all musicians and performers! Parents Who Rock needs you for their next fundraiser, a tribute to the music of Bruce Springsteen. 

The event, set for Saturday, March 11 at 7 pm at Tierney's Tavern, will feature local artists performing the music of The Boss, all to raise money to benefit victims of the recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.

Each performer will do one song a piece. To sign up to perform, please email Alma Schneider at First come, first served for a slot and a song choice.

Each performer pays the show's $20 donation fee, as this is a benefit. However, if anyone wants to perform but needs financial assistance, just let Alma know.

Anyone interested in making a donation or attending can buy tickets by clicking on the flyer above and scanning the QR code. You can also use this link: 

The show is expected to run until about 9:30 pm. Tierney's is located at 138 Valley Road in Montclair. 



Lineup Announced for PWR Backyarder This Saturday, Sept. 10th

The wait is over! After a 2-year Covid hiatus, the annual Parents Who Rock Backyard Event is back this Saturday, September 10th, with a fabulous lineup of local talent!

We have a great lineup of musicians slated to perform, including Noah Gale, Meg Beattie Patrick, Carrie Brunken, David Rieth, Ed Carine, Ellen Paretti and Howard Kerbal, Sam Levine, The Arthritics, Alma Schneider and John Paul Uva, Eric Knudsen, Sarah Wolman, Leslie Masuzzo, Jason Didner, Pat Cioffi, and Netania Zagorski.

The show kicks off at noon and runs through 5 pm on the 10th (raindate September 11th). in the backyard at 72 High Street, corner of Cedar and High in Montclair. All ages are welcome. So bring a blanket or some chairs, and a picnic basket, and plan to spend the day. 
The event is free but we are accepting donations to help aid Pakistan during this time of crisis. Use this link to Pakistan Floods Emergency Appeal:

Please make a donation and come on out for an afternoon of great music and fun, all for a good cause. You won't want to miss it.



September PWR Backyarder is BACK, Baby!

After a 2-year Covid hiatus, the Parents Who Rock Backyard Event is BACK!

Here are the details:

Date: September 10th, rain date September 11th

Time: 12-5 PM

Location: 72 High Street, corner of Cedar and High in Montclair


Before signing up, please read below:


—As always, 15 minute slots. First come first serve so sign up quickly!


—Musicians, if you need an accompanist, email Alma ( so she can help find you one!


—This is our yearly event, open to all ages to attend.


—Donations are accepted and encouraged but not mandatory. Recipient of donations is still to be determined, because we have so many organizations in need!


—Ed Carine, our superb sound person will bring mic stands, inputs for guitars and keyboards, 2 guitar amps and bass amps.


—We need someone to donate their drums for the day if anyone plans to play drums.


Link to sign up:

9/10/2022 PWR Backyard event! 12PM-5PM




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