NEW DATE! MOVED TO OCT 8th! PWR Backyarder Set to Benefit HomeCorp.
Get ready folks! Mark your calendars and dust off your lawn chairs! It's time for Parents Who Rock's Annual Backyarder Fundraiser. Come on out for a fun afternoon of great music from some of Montclair's best performers.
The Backyarder is now set for Sunday, October 8th, from noon to 3 pm. The event will take place in the backyard on the corner of Cedar and High Streets, across from Nishuane School, in Montclair.
Multiple combos and performers will be playing a couple of songs a piece. Bring a lawn chair or picnic blanket and some snacks and come hang out and listen to tunes from Montclair's most musical moms and dads. It's a cool way to spend a lovely fall afternoon—great for parents, kids and everyone.