First SDA Church Soup Kitchen Thanks PWR

Photo: Pastor Paula of First 7th Day Adventist Church in Montclair thanks Alma Schneider, Parents Who Rock founder, for the organization's recent efforts to raise money to help fund the church food pantry and soup kitchen.

Dear Parents Who Rock:
After Superstorm Sandy, we experienced a 20 percent increase in clients, and that increase has remained till this day.  We have also seen an increase in the number of retirees in need of food. We provide staple foods and have relatively easy access to carbohydrates. These funds, however, will help in the purchase of proteins and vegetables that will make it easier to provide balanced meals and food packages for our clients. Thanks to the generous donation from Parents Who Rock, we are better able to facilitate a happy and healthy quality of life for those in need in our community. 

In God's service,

Dr. Paula Olivier,
First SDA Church of Montclair <

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