PWR Bands Playing at Festival for Foster Children Today

Three Parents Who Rock bands will be performing at the Multicultural Winter Festival, Saturday. Dec. 5, from 2 to 6 p.m. at First Congregational Church, Montclair. Mark Egan and and the Snowmen will play Christmas and winter classics, Los Primos will perform Latin dance music and Team Embassador will play reggae.

The family-friendly event, sponsored by the The Montclair Multiracial Adoptive Parents Group, is open to all, and will feature lots of live music and delicious food representing a wide range of cultures, family portraits, arts and crafts including projects with Abrakadoodle, story time, face painting, and children’s tatoos. Fair trade vendors and Barefoot Books will be selling various holiday items.

The music proves to be an entertaining array of styles from around the world. Other performers include Sivan Vigder, performing Jewish Holiday music and fun kids stuff, Princeton Korean Dance troupe, 13 Hands playing world healing music, New Soul Rhymes band doing nursery rhymes with a soul groove, Cynara Turetta performing Portuguese hymns, John Ehlis doing an eclectic mix, Chris Langfield playing classical piano, and Daryl Uberoi of Wingate rapping.

Food vendors include Dulce Candy Boutique, Lalezar Restaurant, Le Baker's Dozen, Mesob, Mexicali Rose, Nauna's Bella Casa, Pahang, Sweet Potato and Pecan, T.S. Ma, Miss Nicky's Gourmet Toffee, and the Fine Grind.

The centerpiece of the event will be a portrait exhibit including biographies of 15 foster children awaiting permanent homes. Money raised will benefit foster children through The Heart Gallery of New Jersey. Cost is $20 per family, or $10 per adult, $5 per child. For more information, please visit the Website at

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