Wanna Smell Better?
Aromatherapy is a word you hear a lot these days. But what does it really mean? Do you want to learn how aromatherapy can improve the quality of your life?
Melina Macall, founder of Muti Oils, will be giving a lecture on Wednesday, Feb. 11 at 9:45am. This fun, educational event will include optional scent testing. She’ll also have many products for sale at discount prices.
A large percentage of the sales of all these amazingly delicious smelling fragrances and non-toxic cleaning products will go to help fund the work of Little Kids Rock in Montclair.
Melina has been a clinical aromatherapist for more than 20 years. She consults to hospitals, wellness centers, corporations and individuals on aromatherapy and well living.
From green and clean house cleaning to aphrodisiacs, essential oils hold many solutions that can help ease busy our lives. For more details about this event or to find out how you can attend, contact Alma Schneider at alma@parentswhorock.com.