From The Montclair Times: PWR Holding Feb. 20 Fundraiser
Montclair organization
Parents Who Rock hosts its '2016 Parents Who Rock Tribute Show: One Hit
Wonders' event on Saturday, Feb. 20, at Bnai Keshet synagogue to raise funds
and awareness for the 2016 Disability Pride parade. Pictured is Lincoln
Saltzman, 11, of Montclair, who lives with Prader-Willi syndrome, at last
summer's Disability Pride Parade in New York City.
FEBRUARY 9, 2016, 4:27 PM
From the Beatles to the Stones to Michael Jackson, the
biggest names in pop music history all have a long string of hits. But every
true pop fan also has a favorite flash in the pan - maybe Gerardo crooning
"Rico Suave" or Debby Boone wailing "You Light Up My Life"
- who burned brightly for a moment then quickly vanished.
The Montclair organization, Parents Who Rock, will be
celebrating those momentary megastars with a fundraising event on Saturday,
Feb. 20, from 7 to 10 p.m. Twenty of the area's musical talents from PWR will
be dusting off their favorite obscure tunes at the 2016 Parents Who Rock
Tribute Show: One Hit Wonders! The show will be held at Bnai Keshet, 99 South
Fullerton Ave., to raise funds and awareness for this summer's 2016 Disability
Pride parade, which will be held in New York on July 10. Tickets for the
Parents Who Rock show can be purchased at the PayPal link at
Over the past 11 years, Parents Who Rock events have
spotlighted the music of artists like Bob Dylan and Tom Petty. But PWR founder,
Alma Schneider, credited her husband, Brian Saltzman, with the one-hit wonder
idea. "We had a lot of the women say, 'Why aren't you choosing a
woman?'" said Schneider. "We didn't want to keep choosing men. But
this gave people the opportunity and the option to do a man or a woman. This
really opens it up, and it allows one-hit wonders from any era, and any type of
music. So we're hoping that we'll have a nice variety."
Kindred Spirits
It's not the first time that PWR has been involved with
the disabled community. "We collaborated about five years ago with Parents
Who Rock," said Dave Fucio, chair of the Township of Montclair's Advisory
Committee for People with Disabilities, which addresses a range of disability
issues for citizens of all ages. "They ran a concert where we were helping
to organize the all-children's playground at Edgemont Park, because the
playground was woefully in need of restoration. Alma knows, from her own
experience, a lot of people who have kids with special needs. So there's lots
of cross-fertilization between People with Disabilities and SEPAC, the Special
Education Parent Advisory Council."
Tying the One-Hit Wonders event to the Disability Pride
Parade has special meaning for Schneider. Her and Saltzman's son, Lincoln, was
born with a rare syndrome called Prader-Willi, which prevents the stomach from
sending a signal to the brain to say it's full. "It's very
dangerous," said Schneider, "because people who have this can
literally die from overeating."
Dealing with her son's condition, however, spurred her
into action. "I was depressed because of Lincoln when he was born,"
she recalled. "It was so hard for me emotionally that somebody said, 'You
need to get creative again.' And that's how I started Parents Who Rock."
Making a connection
Lincoln's diagnosis had one other benefit. While taking
him into New York for treatment, Schneider met jazz musician Mike LeDonne, who
has played with the likes of Sonny Rollins to Milt Jackson, as well as making
Trumpets in Montclair one of his regular stops. LeDonne's daughter Mary also
suffers from Prader-Willi, and was also diagnosed with hydrocephalus. After
spending years observing the misperceptions and injustices heaped upon the
disabled, he created the Disability Pride parade, which was inaugurated last
"Alma and I both got plunged into the same
world," said LeDonne. "I think our two children were the first two
children born in St. Luke's Hospital in New York City with Prader-Willi
syndrome. That's how rare it is.
"Their hospital called us and said they had a mom who
just had a Prader-Willi child, and she was having kind of a rough time. So she
came over here, and we helped her. We said, 'Look, he's fine. The troubles that
come up, you'll deal with them, and you can just make things work.'"
Parading for Awareness
"The parade is about two things," explained
LeDonne. "The parade is about instilling pride in the community, and also
tearing down the walls between the disabled and abled world. We want inclusion
of everybody together, and we thought on a day of celebration, that would be a
nice thing, where everyone is having a good time.
"We're trying to bring focus to the community.
Period. All year long. To me the Disability Pride parade is the umbrella
celebration for all issues for the disabled community.
"We're about inclusion. We want the abled people to
stop feeling sorry for the disabled people and treating them like fragile
little broken damaged goods. They might be in a wheelchair, or they might have
problems from a disability. But they're people who need to make a living. They
need housing, they need to eat, they want to get married, things that everyone
else does, that's what they want to do, but they're actually just kind of
shoved in the background now. And we're trying to take them out of the
background, and say, 'They're just folks. These are people.'
Music of Montclair
"It's not just a fun musical get-together for parents
to show their talent," added LeDonne. "The cause is not just a New
Jersey thing that they're raising the money for. It's a worldwide thing. It has
no boundaries of race, states, countries, religions, you name it, it has no
boundaries. Because everybody is disabled, all over the world. It knows no
"I'm always impressed by the volunteerism in
town," said Fucio, of the Parents Who Rock event. "I think it's a
good way to have a celebration of understanding that there is a lot of variety
in the world. And people can be involved in things, regardless of whatever
physical challenges they might have."
In short, the evening promises to be a fun gathering for a
serious cause. It's a chance for the disabled community to reach out with the
message that David Soul - a classic one-hit wonder - sang in 1977: "Don't
Give Up on Us."