Previous Shows
Thursday, December 4: Chronic Pain, featuring Kevin Johns, Tim O'Connor, Steve Ward, Michael Blue, Robb Allen and Parents Who Rock's Ellen Paretti, at Fitzgerarlds, 13 Herman Street, Glen Ridge. 9 to 11 p.m.
Saturday, December 6: Parents Who Rock musicians will be performing at a holiday Sample Sale to raise money for Little Kids Rock. Gift vendors include Copabananas, cool and offbeat handmade and repurposed fabric gifts and toys; Aunt Jean’s Toys & Treats, unique and interesting toys for children of all ages; Zoe Lou, playful and groovy garments for baby and children; Michele A. Seda, beautiful beaded jewelry for teens, tweens and all girls; It’s Only Fair, hand-made and fair trade gifts; Marie St.-Victor Koch, individually crafted jewelry and home accessories; and Sweet Samantha, fashion-forward teen accessories and bedazzled jeans. 7 to 10 p.m., at the Andrew Tedesco Gallery, 7 North Willow Street, Montclair. Suggested donation: $5 per person.
Saturday, December 6: Catch PWRers Jessica Henry, Ed Daingerfield, John Fotiadis and Ellen Paretti with Tim O'Connor and Michael Blue at the 5th Annual Creative Womens' Collective Artisan Market featuring unique crafts and gifts. The event will be held at the Glen Ridge Congregational Church at 195 Ridgewood Avenue in Glen Ridge, NJ, from 10 am to 4 pm and you can catch the performers between noon and 3:00 pm.
Saturday, January 31: Parents Who Rock will play at a benefit at Diva Lounge, 373 Bloomfield Ave., Montclair, to benefit a soup kitchen in Orange, NJ. Details to come.
Saturday, February 28: Grandparents Who Rock makes it debut at the Diva Lounge, 373 Bloomfield Ave., to benefit Little Kids Rock. Stay tuned for more details.
Previous Shows
Goddess Rock Saturday, October 25: Parents Who Rock's Goddess Rock show will feature the women of PWR rocking out on their own. Performers include Aviva Patz and Client No. 9, Ellen Paretti and Jessica Henry, Jo Senecal and the Eugene Chrysler Band, Carrie Cantor and El Kabong, Janet Donofrio and the Bloomingfields, Alisa Harmon and the Arsenal and Alma Schneider. The show starts at 7 pm at Diva Lounge, 373 Bloomfield Ave., Montclair, NJ. Money raised will go to the In the Pink Breast Cancer program in Newark, NJ, which provides screening, education and subsidized mammograms and biopsies for women. Tickets are $10. Call 973-509-3000 for more info.
Tuesday, November 4: Mama Doni Band performs in an Election Day concert at the JCC Mahattan, 334 Amsterdam Avenue at 76th Street, New York City. 11:45 am. There will also be a pizza lunch. Bring the kids and grandparents!
Friday, November 7: Cone of Silence, featuring several Parents Who Rock, including Ed Daingerfield and Miguel Rodriguez, performs at 10 pm at Tierneys, 136-138 Valley Road, Montclair. 973-744-9785.
Saturday, November 15: Baby Loves Disco transforms Diva Lounge, 369 Bloomfield Ave., Montclair, into a child-proof disco for hip parents and their kids, aged 6 mos. to 7 years. The event features a live DJ, bubble machines, healthy snacks created by PWR's Alma Schneider, of, free balloons from, face painting from NJ Family Magazine and Club Kid'Doo, story-time from Watchung Booksellers, dance instruction from Stories In Motion, clothing raffles from Minnow, The MotherHood magazines, and more. $12 per walking human. To buy tickets, go to:
Sunday, November 16: Singer Jim Steiner, singer/songwriter Patience Moore and singer/songwriter Christine Kelly will perform at a benefit for MVP, helping to empower and educate women and children in the rural villages of the Majalgaon area of India. 2 to 4 pm, Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Montclair, 67 Church Street, Montclair. $20 suggested donation per family. In addition to the music there will be a gift sale featuring such items as handmade quilts, jewelry made with semiprecious stones, tops made from silk saris, and block print cotton napkins.