Bop While You Shop
Parents Who Rock will perform at a new kind of fundraising event this Saturday, June 21st. Come join us and get a casual preview of our spin-off women's group, "Goddess Rock," while you browse, snack and shop for beautiful jewelry, children's clothing, gorgeous belts and bags and notecards made by Montclair children.
The sale will take place at 72 High Street, corner of Cedar and High, in Montclair, from 12 to 4 p.m.
A percentage of the proceeds will go to Christ Church's Soup Kitchen. The Christ Episcopal Church in East Orange, NJ, opens its doors to feed the hungry every Saturday from September through June. The Outpost in the Burbs outreach program is responsible for the third Saturday of every month and relies on the generosity of individuals and the community to provide the funding necessary to cook and serve hot, nourishing meals for families in need.
Here's a sample of some of the items available for purchasing:
Marie St. Victor: Artisan crafted one-of-a-kind jewelry, featuring semi-precious gem-stones, vintage and contemporary glass, wood and mother-of-pearl beads.Jane Theodore Designs from Boulder, Colorado: An eclectic collection of beaded and sterling silver chain jewelry. Theodore says her work stems from her passion for collage and treasure hunting. "I love to search out unusual beads and use them in surprising ways," she says. "My joy is creating beautiful things with my hands." Lovely necklaces, bracelets and earrings, as well as children's jewelry crafted in sterling silver with bead and gemstones. Playful, groovy goods for babies and kids. (Zoelou designed the PWR logo of the guitar!)
The order of musical performances is as follows:
Ellen Paretti, Jo Senecal and Jessica Henry
Alma Schneider
Aviva Patz
Carrie Cantor
Alisa Harmon
See you there!