The Early Bird Special
Mo Kelly and Tim Kennedy, two Montclair Dads, crossed musical paths several years ago while sitting around the campfire at Frost Valley. From the embers of that late night campfire jam, something emerged although to this day, local Catskill authorities are still not exactly sure as to what it was.
Mo and Tim have had the pleasure of contributing their acoustic cover alt/country brand of music to several PWR events. When not playing with PWR, they can usually be found performing at local venues such as Tierney's Tavern and Tim’s Living Room.
Mo studied guitar with the late great Dave Van Ronk, and has performed
with bands in numerous NYC venues, including The Lone Star Roadhouse, The
Cutting Room, The Knitting Factory, and the Red Lion. Kennedy cut his teeth in the early '70s playing the local Jersey club circuit and countless jams during his college days on the student center lawn.
Mo and Tim have had the pleasure of contributing their acoustic cover alt/country brand of music to several PWR events. When not playing with PWR, they can usually be found performing at local venues such as Tierney's Tavern and Tim’s Living Room.
Mo studied guitar with the late great Dave Van Ronk, and has performed
with bands in numerous NYC venues, including The Lone Star Roadhouse, The
Cutting Room, The Knitting Factory, and the Red Lion. Kennedy cut his teeth in the early '70s playing the local Jersey club circuit and countless jams during his college days on the student center lawn.