Featured Charity - The Developmental Learning Center
The Developmental Learning Center (DLC) is a public school program for preschool students with special needs. Operated by the Montclair Board of Education, the DLC services students who reside in the township of Montclair. The DLC’s mission is to provide a quality early childhood education to preschool students who have been identified with a disability in an area of functioning such as communication, social emotional skills, gross motor development or cognitive abilities. Students who diagnosed with a developmental disability such as autism can also receive services at the DLC. The DLC is unique due to the team of professionals who our available to the students and families in the program. Speech language therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapists as well as a Child Study Team comprised of a psychologist, learning consultant and social worker work with the students and families at the DLC. Often times, services are provided in a multidisciplinary team, which promotes generalization of skills and reinforces the continuity of services. The DLC is committed to the growth of all of our students.
In the spring of 2007, the PWR held a concert at the Commonwealth Club for the DLC. The music, food and atmosphere of the concert were spectacular. The event raised a significant amount of money for the DLC, as well as awareness about our program. The funds raised at the event have allowed us to expand our services to students. First, we were able to offer a program called “Therapeutic Listening” to many families at the DLC. Therapeutic Listening is an evidence-backed protocol that combines a sound-based intervention with sensory integrative activities to create a comprehensive program that is effective for students with sensory challenges. Therapeutic Listening can impact sensory modulation, attention, behavior, postural organization, and speech and language difficulties. We have also expanded our professional development services this year for our teachers as well as parent training for our parents with children with autism. Lastly, our hardworking dedicated teachers were able to enhance their classrooms thanks to the money from the PWR concert. Our entire staff is forever grateful for the amazing contribution that the PWR has made to the DLC.
Nicole Fried, Psy.D., DLC Supervisor