Felt is no run o' da mill daddy garage band...Felt maintains an oil-stained "Jersey Fresh" sound found no where else. They are described as "Acoustafolkadelia over Thumpy Grind." Felt has played regionally over the years in such great events as Parents Who Rock, Maplewoodstock, Rock the House NJ, Bayou Benefit, and performs regularly in and around New York City.
Felt prides itself on its array of original music (currently recording a debut collection of their songs), but also piques an ear with its ecclectic arrangements of cover songs from Jerry Garcia to the Gorrillaz and from John Prine to Blondie. FELT masterfully sneaks in these audible treats when least expected....who thought a folkie version of “Billie Jean” would be played a day afetr MJ's death....that's how they roll.
Felt is Tarquin Learned (vox /acoustic stringed things), Jim Robertson (bass, vox, and conductor), Ian Smit (squirrely guitfiddle grind), Matt Hauser (skins & dimples), Steve Feldman (all things that go thump), Chris Mooney (keys / vox).
FELTify your soul: