Featured Charity - The Hole In The Wall Gang Camp

It's one thing to perform or make a donation to a worthy cause. It's a wholly 'nuther experience to do so with the support of strangers and friends who come together as a team to make a difference in others lives.

In my case I had the joy of singing with AWESOME musicians and instead of focusing on my own nerves and insecurities I was buoyed by many talents and support of Parents Who Rock and Parents Who Heard. I've been both a clown and volunteer counselor for The Hole In The Wall Gang Camp, founded by Paul Newman 20 years ago.

In the ten years since working there, I have watched and loved hundreds of seriously ill kids. They are phenomenal children and they come away healed in more ways than one. As one little camper said yelled out last year, "THIS CAMP ROCKS!" I can't thank all the musicians enough for their generosity. I can't thank those who whipped out their dollar bills without hesitating.

Thanks to our lightening-fast night, a kid is going to this magical Camp for free and believe me, he/she will never be the same. It didn't take a major corporation, the major, the president to make this happen. It took little ole US.

If you'd have any questions about this place or make a donation, email Jo at senecal@comcast.net and check the site: www.holeinthewallgang.org


With love, Jo

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